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RONDANE 100 STIPEND - NOK 30.000,-

Rondane 100 er en ideell stiftelse og våre vedtekter slår fast at eventuelt overskudd skal brukes til å fremme ultrasporten. Rondane 100 har klart å drifte løpene med overskudd gjennom stor grad av frivillig arbeid og gode sponsorer. Vi har derfor besluttet å opprette et årlig stipend på NOK 30.000,- som skal deles ut til en person eller arrangement/organisasjon. Person, organisasjon eller arrangement må ha sterk tilknytning til Norge. Mottaker av stipendet må oppfylle ett eller flere av følgende kriterier:


  • En særlig god ambassadør for ultrasporten

  • Setter Norge på kartet innenfor ultraløping

  • Særlige grunner (eksempelvis store utfordringer, et spesielt mål som ønskes oppnådd)


Søknader må være oss i hende innen 1.juli 2024 og sendes til Husk å skrive en utfyllende søknad hvor ovennevnte punkt(er) berøres. Offentliggjøring av vinner vil finne sted medio august 2024. 

Salomon Rondane 100


Rondane 100, the end of the road


Rondane 100s Board have decided that the 2022 edition was the last race in the terrain surrounding Folldal. It started as an idea and a dream to show off the beautiful nature in Rondane, and to be a race by and for ultrarunners. We worked hard to achieve our goals and we are proud of what we have delivered. Our ambitions have been high. 


Sadly, we no longer have the time necessary to deliver the product we want. Mediocracy is not an option and we have therefore decided to end the race. We wish to thank all the volunteers and everyone who supported us. Furthermore, we wish to thank our dreampartner Salomon who has gone

out of their way to support the race in every way possible. Finally, we want to thank all the participants who have run our race!


Rondane 100 is a non-profit organization and have thus decided to give back the profit margin from the three previous races. We will establish a yearly grant to be given to a person or event that highlights Norwegian ultrasport. 


The crew, Salomon Rondane 100


Start and finish in the old mining village Folldal. A small mountain village framed by the majestic Rondane Mountains, the mountains of Dovre and Alvdal Vestfjell. One of the coldest places in Northern-Europe. 700 meters above sea level.

Experience the mining-community, 2000 meter summits, traces from the last ice-age and old hunting cultures. Experience the land of the wild reindeer, the national park and the mountain flora. Experience the community of ultra runners.

A perfect location for a true ultratrail run.




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